Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică

Conflict (Psychology) in literature

Subiect tematic: Conflict (Psychology) in literature
Lucrări: 1 lucrari in 192 publicatii in 1 limbi
Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy: The Analysis / / Digital Theatre+ : de: Hardy, Thomas; Digital Theatre+,; Childs, Tony (Materiale de proiecţie sau video )
West / / East Productions : de: Kyd, Susan,; East Productions,; Tanner, Stella,; Frankau, John,; Edwards, Rory,; Berkoff, Steven,; Payn, Bruce, (Materiale de proiecţie sau video )
Checking Out Me History by John Agard: Context and Poem : de: Davies, Sarah,; Agard, John, (Text tipărit)
This Island's Mine: Resource Pack : de: Hulse, Toby, (Text tipărit)
Neutral Tones by Thomas Hardy: The Recital / / Digital Theatre+ : de: Hardy, Thomas,; Thompson, Mark,; Digital Theatre+, (Materiale de proiecţie sau video )
Cultural Chameleon by Mark 'Mr T' Thompson: Poem : de: Thompson, Mark, (Text tipărit)
This Island's Mine / / Roustabout Theatre : de: Hulse, Toby,; Pead, Eleanor,; de Rohan, Oliver,; Roustabout Theatre,; Hemmings, Robin,; Morrison, Kesty, (Materiale de proiecţie sau video )
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